Senin, 24 Februari 2014

6 Things You Should Know Before Becoming a Vegetarian

Today many people choose to live a healthy lifestyle. One way is to become a vegetarian. It has now become a vegetarian has been prevalent. The restaurants also have a lot to provide a special menu for the followers of this lifestyle.

But, if you want to become a vegetarian, you need to do is prepare yourself with enough knowledge. Reporting from, the following things need to prepare before becoming a vegetarian.

1. Protein
When you decide to become a vegetarian, you should still meet the needs of nutrients in the body. One is a protein. Valerie Rosser, a dietitian say every meal should contain protein consumed. Protein amino acid to form compounds that are useful for the growth and repair of cells.

The Institute of Medicine recommends 0.8 grams of protein per kilogram of body weight per day for adults. Well to inadequate you can eat soy & nuts

2. Beware of Junk Food
Diverting meat and replace it with white bread, pasta and a variety of packaged foods can make you a vegan diet mess. Valerie Rosser said, "It is not a good thing to exchange the animal products that contain protein, vitamins and minerals to processed foods that provide fewer nutrients". In addition, processed products containing more calories. The result? You're more likely hungry and weight goes up.  

3. Soya
In general, vegetarians are many who prefer to replace meat with processed soy products. Although scientists are still arguing about the effect of soy on cancer and heart, one thing to remember is often processed soy is loaded with sodium and preservatives. The sodium and preservatives found in many products frozen imitation meat derived from soybeans. So be careful while read the label. 

4. No Instant
Being a vegetarian can not be done magically. It takes practice and time to get used to. Rosser said, "Start by adding more plant-based products in your diet. Meanwhile, at the same time, reduce the consumption of animal products in your food". You can begin to reduce the consumption of processed foods and non-organic animal products from now on. 

5. Calcium
The study recommends that adults aged between 19-50 years to get at least 1,000 mg of calcium per day. But a vegetarian usually consume less of it. The key is to eat a variety of foods naturally rich in calcium such as kale, bok choy, almonds, soy beans and tofu. Bonus: soybeans and green vegetables in addition to the high vitamin also helps your body absorb calcium, you know.
 6. Be Selective while Dining Outside
Along with the popularity of a vegetarian lifestyle, many restaurants that provide healthy menu options vegetarian style. Although the menu options look very vegan you consume, you should make sure the waiter know that you live on a diet. Tell the waiter to not use products made ​​from animal, even though it was butter or chicken broth hidden. 

*) To get update information about health. Please click here : Best Healthy Corner


Minggu, 23 Februari 2014

Beware !!! 3 Fashion Trends that Endanger Your Health

Many women want to have an attractive appearance, so they do a lot of effort to beautify themselves. Women are always busy with things related to fashion like make-up, shoes, bags, and clothing. They also always try to perform the update and feel proud to use the branded goods.

Some people even agree with "beauty is pain." They are willing to be sick just to look more beautiful and attractive. However, you may not know the dangers behind fashion habits that you do. Here are some fashion habits can be bad, as reported :

1. Too Long Using High Heel
Many women feel more confident when using high-heeled footwear. You will look more attractive when using a ladder and high heels. However, use of high heels for a long time will cause problems with your health.

When you use high heels, you will get heavier pressure on spine because the weight will be concentrated at the rear of the body. The effects of the use of high heels will not be directly visible, perhaps for weeks, months, or years later the new effects can be felt. Symptoms can be experienced cramps in the legs and pain in back and waist

2. Too Heavy Hand Bag
The bigger the bag, the more you will put into it. Women generally carried on one shoulder bag, this will lead to an imbalance in the muscles of the shoulder and arm. And also can make the arm shape is not the same, because one has the arm muscles are more developed.

Worse than that, the bag which can lead to severe pain in the neck, shoulders, and back due to excessive load. The solution; give your body a break by not always carry large and heavy bags. Choose the type of bag that is lightweight and take the goods to taste.

3. Always Want More Skinny
Looks skinny has been a dream of most women. Women will do anything to make her look skinny. Various attempts were made from normal and healthy, until a strange and dangerous to health. Exercise and diet or a diet has become a common thing that made ​​women who want to be thin.

Women are willing to limit their food to look thin like the models they see. Excessive dietary restrictions will slow down your metabolic rate. You will be a lack of energy, fatigue, and pain when doing the wrong diet. Some kind of diet can make your nutritional deficiencies that interfere with the function of your body's organs

*) To get update information about health. Please click here : Best Healthy Corner

Kamis, 20 Februari 2014

Buffaloberry - The Miracle Fruit to Prevent Cancer

Buffaloberry, perhaps the name of this fruit sounds strange for you . But, don't get wrong, this fruit will be the next 'super fruit' in the world. At least that is revealed by a new study published in the Journal of Food Science. Interesting isn't it?
The researchers are collecting Buffaloberry clay in North and South Dakota found a little red for acidic, rich in lycopene and antioxidants that can prevent some types of cancer . It was also found that acidic compounds called  methyl - lycopenoate that can be used as a natural food coloring. This is the type of dye pigments called carotenoids that give fruits and vegetables such as tomatoes and carrots red or orange color .

According to the study, the content of lycopene in Buffaloberry tend to be high in comparison with tomatoes and other fruits that have been common. This fruit also has many eaten by the Native Americans.

However, fruit contains sugar which is presumably quite high. The fruit flavor when dried raisins are not much differen. 

*) To get update information about health. Please click here : Best Healthy Corner

4 Healthy Fruits for Your Healthy Skin

Carrot for Health Skin
Not only beneficial to eliminate hunger, the fruit is also of great benefit to the skin, Have you know it? says there are 4 benefits to the skin. What are the fruits?

1. CarrotThis orange fruit contains beta carotene that can prevent dry skin, scaly and reduce wrinkles and fine lines. "This is because vitamin A is contained in these fruits," said Tanya Zuckerbort, a dietitian from New York.

2. Tomatoes
The fruit that we can easily find in Indonesia in addition to refreshing also contain anti-oxidants which serves to prevent skin damage from ultraviolet rays about 30%

3. Fruit and Olive Oil
Olive for Health Skin
This fruit has no doubt his greatness. Contains antioxidants such as vitamin E which protects the skin from free radicals and improve skin moisture. Want to get amazing results in a skin care routine and your diet, add the olive oil into your beauty food and recipes. 

4. Cherries
Research suggests that antioxidants in this fruits help prevent damage to collagen and protect against wrinkles.

*) To get update information about health. Please click here : Best Healthy Corner

Rabu, 19 Februari 2014

7 Foods to Reduce Your Stress

There's nothing really wrong if you then run the food to cool down and make the body more relaxed. After all, it is basically every person has their own way to escape from stress.

In fact, the presence of stress, the brain runs out of batteries and so as energy. It's hard to think clearly is not? Even so, do not arbitrarily choose food stress reliever yes. Choose correctly, the food does not endanger the health and potent kick of stress from your body.

As quoted from, here are some lists of recommended stress repellent foods to be consumed.
Chicken soup can help boost the body's metabolism, calm the mind and make you more relaxed. Soups generally do contain a variety of materials from proteins to vitamins contained in chicken and vegetables.

White milk help you feel more relaxed, releasing the load on the shoulder and makes you sleep more soundly. It's contain the tryptophan which helps produce the hormone serotonin. Serotonin itself is a hormone that helps you feel good and lead you to restful sleep. It is recommended that the selected white milk is in the warm, and there should be no excessive added sugar.

Not only milk, eggs are also a source of food that can relieve stress in the body. It's contain the amino acid which is combined with thetryptophan that can make brain & body become more relaxed. Eggs can be served at breakfast or lunch menu.  

Honey has the content of tryptophan that does not make the body feel dependency. However, honey can release stress from the body and make all the parts of the body and brain to be relaxed. You can add milk or honey in the tea, and other foods.  

Seafood rich in magnesium, zinc and selenium. All of these materials have benefits to relieve stress in the body. The contents will help fight stress and releases hormones that relax. 

Dark Chocolate which has the content of tryptophan and capable of producing the hormone serotonin, make your body & mind more relax

7. TEA
Tea content of L-theanin, and flavonoidlah which helps relieve stress, make your body & mind more relax. You can add basil, lemon, or chamomile.

So, whenever you feel stress is starting to interfere, prioritize food menu above. And do not forget to exercise to help the body and brain are much more relaxed.

*) To get update information about health. Please click here : Best Healthy Corner

Senin, 17 Februari 2014

5 Types of Tea & Each Benefit, that You Should Know

From green tea to hibiscus tea , beverages rich in flavonoids is indeed a healthy drink that makes a lot of people rely on benefits.For thousands of years , tea is known in the world as a key eastern part of good health , happiness and wisdom . Scientists from Westerners too curious and then do some research . As a result, they did find a lot of health benefits of different types of tea .The study found that some teas can help cure and prevent cancer, heart disease , diabetes , lose weight , lower cholesterol and improve alertness . Tea is naturally also has antimicrobial properties making it suitable consumed to prevent the flu .Katherine Tallmadge , MA , RD , LD , a spokesman for the American Dietetic Association, said as quoted by WebMD , that tea is the best alternative to replace coffee . The content of caffeine in tea less than coffee , and flavonoid good for the heart and prevent cancer .The types of tea what the heck is healthy and recommended by the researchers ?
Green Tea for Health 
Green tea is made by steaming the leaves. Have high concentrations of EGCG. Antioxidants in green tea may interfere with the growth of bladder cancer, breast cancer, pancreatic cancer, lung cancer, colorectal cancer, prevent blood clots, burn fat, fight oxidative stress in the brain, reducing the risk of neurological disorders such as Alzheimer's and Parkinson's , reducing the risk of stroke and improve cholesterol levels.

Black Tea for HealthBlack tea or black tea is made by fermenting the leaves. Black tea has the highest caffeine content, have the flavor and aroma of the most severe for the type of tea.

Research shows that black tea may protect the lungs from damage caused by exposure to cigarette smoke. Therefore concluded that black tea may also help reduce the risk of stroke.

White Tea for Health
White tea is tea that has not been preserved or have not been oxidized. White tea usually contains flowers and tea leaves are still young. Caffeine content is much smaller than the leaves or flowers that are old. Even the much lower caffeine content than green tea.

Mentioned in a study that white tea has the most potent anticancer properties compared to the processed tea.

Oolong Tea for HealthThis type of tea color is not black and not green, but a combination of both. Oolong tea is brewed with good will have a bitter taste when drunk, but he left a sweet taste after drinking.

Generally, this type of tea served in restaurants served with Chinese food and dim sum or other chinese food. Oolong tea produced in Fujian province.

Health effects can lower bad cholesterol levels and is usually marketed as a supplement for weight loss.

Pu-Erh Tea for Health
Is a type of tea made from fermented leaves. The tea leaves are usually taken kind of an old, often regarded as black tea and also as an ingredient commonly used to make a cake. Studies show that eating pu-erh tea can lose weight and decrease bad cholesterol.    

*) To get update information about health. Please click here : Best Healthy Corner

3 Main Benefit of Black Tea

Are you lovers of tea? It turns out that black tea has many benefits compared to green tea or white tea. This is because the rate of oxidation of black tea are higher than other types of tea. Reporting from the below is great benefits of black tea:

1. Low Sodium, Fat and Calories
Black tea is highly recommended for people who are trying to lose weight or just want to control your weight. If the day you've consumed a lot of fat or calories, black tea brewed with hot water and do not add sugar.

2. Avoiding Cardiovascular Disease
Recent research from Boston University shows that there is a significant association between black tea consumption on cardiovascular disease emergence. Black tea consumption in both the short and long term in patients with coronary artery endothelia was able to restore vasomotor function.

3. High Antioxidant
Black tea is made from the tea plant Camellia types. In this plant there is a very high polyphenol content. These polyphenols include antioxidant compounds that play a role in helping the recovery of brain damage, especially that caused by Parkinson's disease. In another study also mentioned, that the substance of good black tea to fight cancer.

*) To get update information about health. Please click here : Best Healthy Corner

Sabtu, 15 Februari 2014

5 Detox Foods for Vegetarian to Stay Beautiful

Having a healthy body and a fresh and beautiful face is the desire of every woman. One way is to watch your diet every day. As reported by the following, vegetarian foods will detoxify the skin, and blood cells in your body so it will get a fair skin and thick hair and healthy.

1. Cabbage - Cabbage contains a lot of Vitamin A, C and E. Cabbage also contains anti-inflammatory. Enter these foods in your diet at least twice a week and get smooth skin free of wrinkles.

2. Bit - Most people do not know that the beet is good for the eyes and can unleash the lymphatic system, so it can clear up the white part of the eye. Bits are also high in iron and fiber that can help clean all the toxins from the body and make skin brighter. 

3. Coriander - Research shows that coriander can help get rid of cellulite on the body. This is because the cilantro may help the body get rid of toxins from the liver and kidneys. So, make sure you include this one condiment on your food. 

4. Walnut - This nut is full of omega-3, which helps to make a strong and toned skin. Walnuts may also help prevent the onset of age spots, sagging skin and thinning hair. The walnuts will help the skin look radiant and youthful. 

5. Oranges - This fruit can also help fight cellulite and improve skin collagen to repair. Oranges are also good for slowing down the aging process. Oranges are full of vitamin E, which helps keep the skin moist. So, if you want to fight aging and wrinkles, enter this fruit in your diet. 

*) To get update information about health. Please click here : Best Healthy Corner

5 Treatment For Sexual Dysfunction Patients

Sexual dysfunction is a form of sexual problems that often arise in the sexual life of husband and wife. This problem will lead to disharmony of a relationship you know ladies. Here are some alternative treatments for this sexual dysfunction as reported by

1. Counselling Or Therapy - It is a process in which the couples perform consulting session with sex expert or experts who will provide a solution for your sexual dysfunction problems. This therapy is aimed more at the emotional and psychological as well as the relationship partner. Over time, couples will learn to recognize their sexual preference, respectively, and will be more open to each other. In the end, the pair will be working together to build a mutually satisfying sexual relationship and flexible.

2. Muscles Exercise - Kegel exercises are the most common method of training the muscles and easy to do and very effective when done regularly by men and women. This is an effective method to improve the quality of erection and ejaculation control in humans and better control of vaginal contractions in women. Kegel can be done either in a sitting or lying position. Try to contract your muscles as you do when stopping urination. While doing that, you can feel your pelvic muscles squeezing your urethra and anus. If your stomach or buttocks muscles tighten, it means you have not found the right muscles for exercise. Contract the pelvic muscles tighten for 3 seconds and relax for 3 seconds. Repeat this step for 10-15 sessions. For best results do this 3 times a day regularly.  

3. Consuming Medicine - The use of drugs such as Viagra, Levitra, and Cialis will help. However, if you find another more natural way would be better, because taking drugs too often will result in poor health.  

4. Surgery Methods - Some surgical methods that can help you in case of sexual dysfunction. Surgical correction of Peyronie's disease, penile prosthesis for erectile dysfunction, penis enlargement surgery to surgery for the correction of hypogonadism as well as abnormalities of the penis (eg, hypospadias) and female genitalia. 

5. External Tools - So far the penis pump is one of the treatment options for erectile dysfunction are the most popular. This tool is also known as a vacuum pump or vacuum constriction device, this tool helps to restore the natural ability to get an erection after prostate surgery or radiation therapy for prostate cancer. Then there are condoms that could lengthen the penis that can be used more than once. Some vibrators are also designed to stimulate stimulate your passion. 

*) To get update information about health. Please click here : Best Healthy Corner